
Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
TC 2018-18 Approving a Conditional Use Permit for an Automotive Repair and Maintenance Facility 1 Zone District Tue 8/7/18 Link
TC 2018-16 Supporting the Application for a Grant from the FMLD for the Community Center Economic Development Improvements Tue 8/28/18 Link
TC 2018-15 Supporting the Application for a Grant from the FMLD of an Ultra Violet Light System Tue 7/17/18 Link
TC 2018-14 Supporting the Application for a Grant from CPW State Trails Program/Colorado the Beautiful Tue 7/17/18 Link
TC 2018-13 Authorizing Signers on Bank Accounts Tue 7/3/18 Link
TC 2018-12 Supporting relocation of BLM Headquarters to Grand Junction, Colorado Tue 6/5/18 Link
TC 2018-11 Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement for Mosquito Control Tue 5/1/18 Link
TC 2018-1 Designating Public Notice Posting Places Tue 1/2/18 Link
TC 2018-09 Approving a Hotel & Restaurant Liquor License for Capital Deli LLC Tue 4/17/18 Link
TC 2018-07 Supporting an FMLD Grant Application for Vix Ranch Park Electrical Service Upgrade Project Tue 1/16/18 Link
TC 2018-06 Supporting an FMLD Grant for Capital Purchase of Water Jetting Equipment Tue 1/16/18 Link
TC 2018-04 Approving the 2018 Senior Programs MOU Tue 1/16/18 Link
TC 2017-9 Findings of Fact for Annexation of Property Known as TBD Bruce Road Tue 6/6/17 Link
TC 2017-8 Finding of Fact and Substantial Compliance of Annexation Application for Property Known as TBD Bruce Road Tue 4/4/17 Link
TC 2017-7 Approving an Memorandum of Understanding with Garfield County Senior Programs Tue 2/7/17 Link
TC 2017-6 Approving a Conditional use Permit for Property Located in the Commercial Zone Dist. Tue 2/7/17 Link
TC 2017-5 Supporting an FMLD Grant Application for Streets Maintenance and Construction Tue 2/7/17 Link
TC 2017-4 Supporting an FMLD Mini Grant Application for Trails Improvements Tue 2/7/17 Link
TC 2017-3 Adopting a Fee Schedule Tue 1/3/17 Link
TC 2017-25 Making Findings of Fact and Conclusions Regarding the Annexation of a Portion of CR 335 Wed 12/6/17 Link
TC 2017-24 Adopting a Budget for the Fiscal Year 2018 Tue 12/5/17 Link
TC 2017-21 Finding Substantial Compliance of Annexation Petition for CR 335 Tue 10/17/17 Link
TC 2017-20 Concerning the Adoption of a of a Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Tue 12/5/17 Link
TC 2017-2 Waiving Bonds for Employees Tue 1/3/17 Link
TC 2017-19 Supporting a GOCO Grant Application for Planning the LoVa Trail Tue 10/17/17 Link
