
Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
TC 2019-18 Submitting a Mill Levy Extension Issue to the November Ballot Tue 9/3/19 Link
TC 2019-17 Submitting a Tobacco Tax Issue to the November Ballot Tue 8/20/19 Link
TC 2019-16 Approving a Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate Tue 8/20/19 Link
TC 2019-15 Approving an FMLD Joint Grant Application for the LoVa Trail Tue 8/20/19 Link
TC 2019-14 Approving an IGA With Garfield County for the November Coordinated Election Tue 8/20/19 Link
TC 2019-13 Supporting an FMLD Traditional Grant Application for Construction of a Bulk Water Station Tue 8/20/19 Link
TC 2019-12 Supporting an FMLD Mini Grant Application for Public Safety Equipment Tue 8/20/19 Link
TC 2019-10 Supporting a Charge Ahead Colorado Grant Application for an Electric Vehicle Charging Station Tue 6/18/19 Link
TC 2019-09 Adopting New Castle Rides and Reggae Festival as an Official Town Function Tue 5/7/19 Link
TC 2019-08 Adopting a Directory of Fees Tue 5/7/19 Link
TC 2019-07 Implementing Parking Regulations on the Kamm Lot Tue 3/19/19 Link
TC 2019-04 Supporting an FMLD Traditional Grant Application for Streets Maintenance Tue 2/19/19 Link
TC 2019-03 Approving a Public Comment Policy Tue 2/19/19 Link
TC 2019-02 Waving Bonds for Town Employees Tue 1/15/19 Link
TC 2019-01 Designating Public Posting Places Tue 1/15/19 Link
TC 2018-8 Supporting the Reauthorization by the General Assembly of Colorado of the Colorado Lottery Division Tue 3/6/18 Link
TC 2018-3 Approving a Fee Schedule Tue 1/2/18 Link
TC 2018-26 Approving the 2019 Budget Tue 12/4/18 Link
TC 2018-25 Authorizing Signers on Bank Accounts Tue 11/20/18 Link
TC 2018-24 Adopting a Fee Schedule Tue 11/20/18 Link
TC 2018-23 Approving a Conditional Use Permit for an Accessory Dwelling Unit on Property Located in the Residential-1 Zone District Tue 11/6/18 Link
TC 2018-22 Position on Certain Ballot Initiatives Tue 10/16/18 Link
TC 2018-21 Approving Lot Split 6300 Cty Rd. 335 Tue 10/16/18 Link
TC 2018-20 Supporting the RFTA Mil Levy Ballot Issue Tue 9/18/18 Link
TC 2018-2 Waiving Bonds for Employees Tue 1/2/18 Link
